Submit a one-paragraph personal story (your own, or the story of someone connected to you) to or in the comment section below, demonstrating the need for increased access to bus service in our community. These stories may be shared with potential funding partners in order to highlight the importance of our project.
I teach Adult Literacy classes for Winona Area Public Schools Community Education program in the mornings and two evenings each week at Wesley Church on the corner of Broadway & Johnson. There are students and volunteers who would like to be part of my classes, but they are not able to get to class or get home from class in the evenings, so they cannot attend. Often, volunteers report that they prefer not to drive at night but would welcome a chance to take the bus. Some of my students do not drive or share one car among several family members. Expanded and free bus service would serve both groups well and allow these community members to access my classes as well as other activities in Winona.